Il Pezzo (upcoming)
Short film written and directed by Kimberly Scarsella
A self-centered college student faces her family’s shortcomings and her own unfulfilled dreams on a trip to discover her mother’s roots in Calabria. When her uncle promises her a chance to play a Stradivarius violin for the first time, she cannot anticipate what she might find.
Eddie's Hot Tip In Times Square by Nina Durango
Music video directed, filmed, and edited by Kimberly Scarsella
A lonely drummer fantasizes about joining his neighbors' band.
Je Suis Une Cowboy
Short film written, directed, and edited by Kimberly Scarsella
A French woman obsessed with the romance of cowboy culture finds herself lost in the mundanity of urban life.
Experimental short film directed, filmed, and edited by Kimberly Scarsella
An immersive two-channel installation filmed at a music festival in the Poconos.
BIG SUR small film
Experimental short film directed and filmed by Kimberly Scarsella
A woman explores Big Sur through the eyes of the woman she loves.
MAW by The Drunk Monkeys
Music video directed, filmed, and edited by Kimberly Scarsella
A housewarming party takes a dark turn.
Documentary series produced and assistant edited by Kimberly Scarsella
Meet the modern-day heroes powering us toward a carbon-free energy future.